JD is originally from Minnesota and brings a solid midwestern work ethic to the team. He graduated from the University of St. Thomas. While studying, working out and always on the hunt for new things he found himself drawn to theatre. JD started taking acting classes and performing. Meanwhile, he started attending workshops in Minneapolis, which landed him a flight to Los Angeles. While in LA he performed for dozens of agents and schools, a skill which he mastered and earned him scholarships and contracts for both modeling and acting.
You may have seen him on the CW’s “The
Beautiful Life” or maybe a commercial for Madden 2010. While auditioning and having success JD kept
his passion for working and running events for several catering companies. Among the unforgettable experiences are working as a personal captain for Prada, Guess and Ralph
Lauren events, which include Made to Measure, Magazine Editors and Private
Celebrity showings. Personal shadowing
for people such as Bill Clinton, Ralph Lauren and Leonard Riggio. Through Brand Allure, JD was able to tour America for a month
long marketing stunt. Campaigning across the country for UK Style brought their
fan page from 30 to over 15,000. It was shortly after that JD decided he wanted to dive into the event marketing world. He joined the West Coast Team and is part of the business development team. If he hasn't called you yet, give it about five more minutes.